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SRM Concept Search

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Search Help

You can search the SRM entries for specific words, phrases, or strings as well as specific SRM codes. The search system is not case sensitive. You can perform the search on the contents of the SRM standard, the register, or the submitted but not yet approved entries.

Display of search results:

In addition to the status and date information for each entry, a colour coding scheme highlights the database holding to which an entry belongs. The following highlight colours are used:

  • white - the entry is in the standard
  • yellow - the entry has been added to the register
  • pink - the entry has been submitted for inclusion in the register, but it is not approved
  • gray - a deprecated entry that was originally either in the standard or was added to the register, but has since been deprecated

Search text options:

  • To search for phrases, use quotes:
    "find this phrase"
  • To exclude results containing a particular word or phrase, add a "-" in front of it:
  • You may enter multiple words and phrases to search for:
    "want this"  andthis  -"but not this"  -northis

To start a search:

  1. Choose the Holding to search (Standard, Register, Submissions).
  2. Select SRM concept to search.
  3. Select search by Keywords or by Code.
  4. If searching by Keywords, choose the field to search (Label, Definition, or Reference)
  5. Enter the search text or code to look For.
  6. Click the Search button.
  7. Refine the search as needed.

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